Sunday, May 22, 2016

Bible teachings on HEALING

1. Healing is bought by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. God cursed all sickness in Jesus on the cross, as its written "“Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”. This also explains why Moses hung a picture of a snake on the tree for Israelites to gaze upon, instead of some positive thing: we are to understand that God has CURSED sickness, infirmity, sin and the like.

2. Healing is an expression of the kingdom of God come near. "But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you". The kingdom is where the king's will is done, and God wants you to be healed. If your body is outside the kingdom of God, it is not healed.

3. We receive healing at the point of our faith. The woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9) had decided that for her healing would work if she touched the hem of Jesus' garment. For the centurion (Luke 7), he could believe Jesus' word would heal.

You need to figure out how you can receive healing, and that will probably be different from the person next to you. Options include: quietly in your own prayer closet, being prayed for by the elders/great visiting prophet/wife/husband/friend, reaching out by acting against the sickness, by proclaming healing with your words, or by some other means. The way to receive healing does not have to be the same for everyone.

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

We rode bikes to the park today with my kids and it was a fine trip. However, there was a group of muslims at the park probably celebrating a birthday or something of that sort, and seeing their covered women and the thoughts in my head troubled me a bit.

I thought of how exclusive islam is: how they do have morals, but in a very bigoted way the rules are different for muslims and non-muslims. For example, stealing and adultery are stricktly forbidden, but for a non-muslim, there is no protection under those laws. Their women do not exercise the freedoms we take for granted and worst of all, muslims are a fast growing demographic in the west and around the world.

Suddenly I stopped my train of thought and realised that was I was considering was purely from a worldly point of view: how communities look, what freedoms I have, what freedoms my daughters have etc. And I realised my mistake: "Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." (Colossians 3:2)
The fall of the western civilization is a) not a thing to be concerned about in itself and b) caused by the spark of God's blessing being snuffed out by minds set on worldly things, instead of drawing near to the love of Jesus Christ, the redeemer of all mankind.

God wants us to thrive, but our thriving will start to wane the moment we turn our sights away from Jahweh God to our worldly affairs as objects to pursue.